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Fluke (Summer Flounder)

Fluke, also known as summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), are flatfish species found along the Atlantic coast of North America.

Fluke (Summer Flounder)

Seasons and Location

- Fluke are primarily found along the Atlantic coast of North America, ranging from North Carolina to New England. They inhabit both nearshore and offshore waters, including bays, estuaries, inlets, and sandy or gravel bottoms.
- Areas Found: Fluke are commonly found near structures such as rocks, wrecks, reefs, and drop-offs. They tend to lie on the sandy or muddy bottoms, blending in with their surroundings.
- Summer Months: Fluke fishing is most popular during the summer months when they are more abundant and active. They migrate from deeper offshore waters to shallower coastal areas for feeding and spawning purposes.


- Feeding Behavior: Fluke are predatory fish that feed on a variety of prey, including small fish, crustaceans, and squid. They lie in wait, partially buried in the sand, and ambush their prey by lunging forward and engulfing them.
- Migration Patterns: Fluke exhibit limited migratory behavior, with movements influenced by water temperature, spawning, and feeding opportunities. They may move inshore during the summer and retreat to deeper waters during colder months.
- Bottom Dwellers: Fluke spend most of their time near the bottom, camouflaging themselves to blend in with the substrate. They rely on their excellent camouflage to ambush passing prey.
- Size Variations: Fluke can vary significantly in size, with larger individuals typically found in deeper waters. It is not uncommon to catch both small "keeper" fluke and larger "doormat" fluke.

Lure choice

- Bucktail Jigs: Bucktail jigs are a popular choice for targeting fluke. They can be tipped with bait, such as squid or strip baits, to add scent and attract fish. Varying the jig's weight and color can help adjust to different depths and conditions.
- Soft Plastic Baits: Using soft plastic baits, such as grub tails or twister tails, on a jig head is effective for imitating small bait fish or squid. The action and movement of these lures can entice fluke strikes.
- Scented Baits: Adding scent to your lures, such as using scented soft plastic baits or incorporating attractant sprays, can help enhance their effectiveness in attracting fluke.
- Live Bait: Fluke can also be targeted using live bait such as live minnows, squid, or killifish. These can be presented on a fish finder rig or a high-low rig with multiple hooks to increase your chances of a bite.
- Fluke Rigs: Utilizing specialized fluke rigs, which typically consist of a series of hooks, beads, and spinner blades, can be effective for enticing fluke strikes. These rigs are designed to present bait in a lifelike manner.

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